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 > Wanna learn more?


 > Wanna learn more?

Through Monday to Thursday volunteer coaches are transported to each of our 15 schools to host 1 hour training sessions. Sessions give learners a fun space to play with new ideas and skills.

Coaches focus on developing 3 core debating areas


Speakers work on their

- public speaking techniques,

- confidence,

- diction,

- and persuasive techniques.

The skills of being a confident and persuasive orator are enough to take over the world. 


Thinking Stuff. Developing higher order reasoning skills and knowledge about: International Relations, Economic Policy, Human Rights Theory, etc.

Knowing Stuff. It also equips learners with information about current affairs. We talk about: Global Warming, Syria, the Financial Crisis, Feminist Movements, and much more.


Argument engagement, detailed analysis, use of powerful examples - these are just some of the things that can make a learner not only a well informed and persuasive speaker but one who is aware of tact, and picking their opportunity.

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